


The B.I.L. is full of enthusiastic members who enjoy contributing to our association. One way to get involved with B.I.L. is to sign up for a committee. In a committee, you work together with several fellow B.I.L. members to achieve the committee's goals. This helps you develop teamwork skills, for example. Not only do you learn a lot from working in a committee, but it’s also a lot of fun! You meet many new people, and each year a committee introduction outing is organized. There are many different committees you can get involved with. For instance, there is a committee that organizes the long trip, a committee that closes deals with companies, and a committee that organizes all the drinks and parties. In short: plenty of options! Curious about all the other committees? Take a look at one of the committee booklets below or look at their designated pages on our website.

There are several roles within the committees. Every committee has a chairperson who leads the committee and prepares the agenda for the meetings. In addition, each committee has a secretary who takes minutes during meetings and arranges the meeting location. Some committees also have a treasurer who communicates with the Treasurer on the board and ensures transparency about financial matters. Of course, you can also be an active member without a specific role in the committee!

Signing up for a committee is possible until 23:59 on Wednesday the 18th of September through this link

Committee Information Booklets